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- 35 things I wish I knew before 35
35 things I wish I knew before 35
35 Lessons from my 35 years 🎉🎂

Hey, hope you're well.Here's your digest for this week. Hope you find these, inspiring and encouraging.
35 things I wish I knew before 35
(approximately 4 min read)I just turned 35 a few days ago. I'm grateful for what my life is becoming so I spent sometime reflecting on key lessons that continue to shape my thinking and life choices. You can live a life free of regrets when you make decisions from conviction not fear, FOMO or people-pleasing. Don’t be a cheapo. You get what you pay for. Spend on the things that matter! Your 20s will fly by faster than you can imagine Don’t be so judgmental…you probably don’t have all of the facts. Fight your tendency to suppress or ignore your emotions. They don’t go away, they just build and WILL come out later one way or another. Time is more valuable than money You live the life created by your decisions, so be open to other opinions but make your own decisions. Everybody ain’t gotta know your business, but a few people gotta know your business. Keep a few really close friends and many acquaintances. The scope of opportunities available to you is directly correlated to the size and diversity of your network. Avoiding risk is the riskiest thing you can do. Growth comes from discomfort. Get comfortable being uncomfortable. It never gets easier, you just get smarter. Nobody has it figured out…even the people you look up to. They’re also figuring it out as they go. There’s no such thing as a “Loss” only “Lessons” if you learn from them. You deserve nothing, not now, not ever. God’s providential grace and your effort work together to create your life. The world is impartial to your struggle. All people are innately selfish & prioritize their self interest. Use this to your advantage by serving them first and you’ll get what you want and much more. Out-serve your competition. The more complex problems you can solve, the more money you’ll make. Sex is not to be toyed with. Everything you do sexually will influence who you become and affect all your relationships. There’s a reason why God tells you to wait for marriage. Forgiveness of sins, restoration and redemption doesn’t always mean escaping the consequences. Act wisely in all things. Always jump at every opportunity to travel to new places. What you do is FAR more important than how you do it. In your work life, try as quickly as possible to get paid for your mind & ideas, not your time. It is actually possible to make a living doing what you love. Don’t settle in a job that you hate and drains the life from you. Most of the real learning in life happens outside of school. It happens in the doing. A marketing degree means nothing if you’ve never sold anything. Building anything of value will be harder than you think it’ll be and will take longer than you think it’ll take. Don’t sacrifice today for tomorrow (it may never come). Don’t sacrifice tomorrow for today (YOLO is a stupid idea). Plan for tomorrow, live for today. Money is not the goal. Freedom is the goal. You can never rise above the level of what you believe is possible (i.e. your mindset). If something feels impossible to you, try to put yourself in spaces where others prove that it’s not impossible. No individual part of your life is unique. Billions of people have the same story & experiences as you. It’s the combination of it all that makes you unique. Use this knowledge to find your tribe(s), and differentiate yourself within each tribe. What you lack in skill can be made up for with hunger. Say “Yes” a lot to start. Say “No” a lot to scale. In entrepreneurship, you get further, faster by delegating your weaknesses first, before working on them. Jesus is Lord! There is no greater foundation that produces purposeful work, purposeful service and a purposeful life than a relationship with God through Jesus! Find Jesus if you haven’t, stay with Him if you have.There they are!Which one of these resonate most with you?
ICYMI: New YT Video

I pitched a $10M company...and failed (2 Important Things I Learned)
Just dropped the Youtube version of last week's newsletter for those among us who prefer watching over reading. Enjoy!

That's it for this week.Love you,Shopé
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