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- So does God discourage wealth?
So does God discourage wealth?
So does God DISCOURAGE wealth 🤔

Hey, hope you're well. So my eye surgery went well.As someone who likes to optimize every hour of my day for maximum efficiency, a week in a dark room not being able to be "productive", was torture 😅...but we persevere.Thank you for your prayers.Here's your digest for this week. Hope you find these, inspiring and encouraging.
Last week, I talked about the ambition side of the Contentment vs. Ambition dichotomy in the Bible.Today let’s examine contentment.I hope last week’s newsletter convinced you that God is not opposed to ambitious thinking and execution. In fact, I believe He encourages it.What he does do however is safeguard it.So for the purpose of absolute clarity, Yes, the Bible has A LOT of warnings about money.It does not say it’s a bad thing, but it says it’s a DANGEROUS thing.Here are some passages for you;“Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction.” 1 Timothy 6:9“What does it profit a man to gain the world, but lose his soul” Luke 9:25“As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. “ 1 Timothy 6:17And the most popular one,“For the love of money is the root of all evil“ 1 Timothy 6:10 Notice it says “the love of money” not “money” itself.At any rate, yes those scriptures are there!So how do we make sense of all of this?The Bible does not have an issue with wealth but it does have warnings.The Bible denounces complacency and laziness, but promotes industriousness and growth.The Bible encourages generosity and supports wealth building but warns against living for earthly treasures and chasing money.How do we make sense of this?Let me see if I can help.In my last newsletter I cited the following scripture,“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ” Colossians 3:23-24Then I briefly highlighted the fact that working unto God primarily, almost inevitably manifests as material success.Here’s how that practically works itself out.In my studies, I’m finding that the way to have Godly ambition (i.e. high ambition restrained by deep contentment), is not to chase money itself.But rather to chase service of others, knowing that with this, money is almost an inevitable consequence.But here’s the interesting part;You’re not doing the former simply to get the later (i.e. Service to get to the money).No! You’re doing the service because you have a genuine interest in wanting to improve this person’s life.With Godly service as the priority, that helps guide you and keeps you for “falling into harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction” that 1 Timothy talks about.You see that?If money is first, you will fall into the trap of worshipping it.If service is first, you will not compromise just to get the money because you love that person; because you believe that person is made in the image of God; because you understand that even above the person, you are ultimately accountable to God first, for delivering on excellence.So the natural byproduct becomes delivering excellent service that then makes people say, “This is so good, I am happy to pay you for it….take my money”“One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.” - Proverbs 11:24The path to lasting financial freedom is godly service to others!So to conclude this 2-part series;Do not LOVE money! Do not FEAR money!Work diligently as unto the Lord.Work ambitiously to provide the best service or product.Work to multiply that which God has given you.If you do that, God will grow your resources. You then take those resources and serve more people.Then see what happens next.

Without Strong Habits, You Have No Chance To Win In LIFE! - Gary Vaynerchuk Motivation
Here's a good mix of practical advice and emotional motivation. You need both. The motivation gets you charged up, but the practical advice sustains you when motivation inevitably wanes. This video gives you both. Watch by clicking the image.

Tay Iwar - Don't Lie & See It Through
You should know by now I love Afrobeats that incorporates smooth R&B and Soul. That is in fact, my favourite type of Afrobeats - Afrofusion. Tay Iwar does this perfectly, and this live COLORS performance of Don't Lie & See It Through, takes these already amazing songs a step higher.Listen now by clicking the image.
That's it for this week.Love you,ShopéP.S. New song coming in September. Pre-save all my future releases HERE. You'll only ever had to do this once.P.P.S. Don't forget to my latest YT video If You Feel Lost - Watch This (How To Find Your Purpose)

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