đŸŽ„ NEW YT Video & Single Coverart

đŸŽ„ NEW YT Video & Single Coverart


Hey, hope you're well. What a week this has been. I explain below.Here's your digest for this week. Hope you find these, inspiring and encouraging.


Life is a 2-sided coin!

(approximately 2 min read)This week, I was reminded of a message I often preach - Healthy Indifference.A healthy indifference is the ability to maintain a level of separation from your current state of affairs, good or bad.When things are going well, it’s all too easy to get swept up in the excitement of the moment.Conversely, when things go sour, it’s also easy to sink into discouragement.I have been guilty of both, and now attempt to maintain composure at all times.To celebrate the good times momentarily, then quickly get back to the work of sustaining it.And when the inevitable slumps come, to shore up my courage, and problem solve my way out of them.The business has seen a flurry of activity this past week, a lot of it positive. New clients, new Youtube video, new music (see below) - all exciting stuff.And yet, I woke up this morning to find a big bill has come due 😅.Progress and Pressure, I suppose are two sides of the same coin
and so I toss it up all the same, prepared for whatever the outcome.This is the Winner’s mentality; staying level headed at all times because most things don’t last forever.Good and bad times cycle in business and more generally speaking, in life.A movie scene that’s stuck with me over the years is from the movie “300”.There’s a scene following a Spartan victory that show the men celebrating. All but one - King Leonidas.Stark-faced, and overlooking his defeated foes before him, and his soldiers celebrating behind, the narrative dialogue goes on to say, “All celebrate but one
.our King
not tonight”.King Leonidas recognized that more battles (bigger ones even) still lay ahead.Great leadership is as pro-active, as it is re-active, always with an eye to the present and the future.The key is to maintain a balanced perspective at all times.


10 Surprising Habits that changed my life (Easy to copy)

Fresh off my editor's desk. This beautifully visualizes something I covered a few newsletters ago...plus I go into more detail on each item. ICYMI or if you're more of a visual learner (like I am), enjoy this insightful (and beautifully edited) video.Watch by clicking the image or button below.


Shopé - Ten (Mewa)

I'm soooooo excited to drop this. For an artist, releasing new music is like exhaling after holding your breath for a long time. God really made this one come to life. The song is about recognizing the value you bring to a relationship. It releases this coming Wednesday, Nov.15. Pre-save it, so you don't miss it. Plus presaving also really helps me more than you know.Pre-save now by clicking the image or button below.

That's it for this week.Love you,ShopéP.S. Don't forget to Presave "Ten (Mewa) HERE.P.P.S. Don't forget to watch my latest YT video 10 Surprising Habits that changed my life.


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