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- Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome 😬

Hey, hope you're well. Another week underground working steadily away at projects. I still miss the sun ☀️.Here's your digest for this week. Hope you find these, inspiring and encouraging.
Overcoming Imposter Syndrome(approximately 5min read)You’ll be hard pressed to find anyone who at one point or another, hasn’t struggled with imposter syndrome. It affects everyone.No matter the level of achievement, everyone has to battle feelings of inadequacy from time to time.I’m no different. In music, the fear of no longer having “it” is almost always present and it takes a lot of work to remind myself that God’s gifts are without repentance.And in other arenas, similar fears of not living up to my own claims exist. So in today’s newsletter, I hope to provide some useful things I do to battle back those feelings when they arise.I pray you find these helpful.Imposter Syndrome: The Source
Imposter syndrome often creeps in when we're pushing our boundaries, stepping into new ventures, and taking on more significant roles in life.It's that feeling that we don't belong or that we're not good enough for the roles we're in.It's the nagging thought that says, "You don't deserve this," or "You're not as good as they think,” or perhaps even “You’re not as good as you think.”Sound familiar?The Paradox of Humility and Confidence
In Christianity, we're taught to be humble, and that's a beautiful and necessary thing.After all, “What do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast as if you did not receive it?” - 1 Corinthians 4:7Improperly understood, the call to humility can exacerbate one’s feelings of inadequacy.But here’s a powerful quote about humility from C.S. Lewis, “True humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”This means, humility is not about undermining our true abilities. It’s about recognizing our gifts and using them for good, with gratitude to God.We recognize what God has truly blessed us with and move with his authority in the expression of those gifts. And thus, a true understanding of humility creates confidence, not in ourself, but in the belief that with God’s guidance, we can steward those gifts well to achieve great things.With that as a foundation, here are 5 quick and practical things that help battle back my imposter syndrome when it arises.1.) Prayer
Start here.This always helps re-orient my heart away from myself back to the giver of my gifts.Almost by definition, imposter syndrome is thinking too much of myself (the anti-thesis to humility), and in my imagination, I am centre.It’s “Me”, “My skill”, “My talent”, etc.That is simply too many personal pronouns.Stopping to pray automatically reminds me, I’m not the most important person in this equation. I am simply a steward of these gifts. A conduit for God to do His work through me. Remembering this, in addition to simply asking for guidance, wisdom and strength, always sets an amazing foundation to restoring my confidence.2.) Self-Reflection
Self-reflection is essential. List your achievements, skills, and the impact you've had on others.It simple, but looking back on what you’ve already done can be a great reminder of what is already within.Realize you're not an impostor; you're a work in progress.3.) Community
This cannot be overstated.I used to under value the importance of keeping in touch with people. In my mind, I was so busy trying to build my businesses that I didn’t have time to catch up over a coffee. This was the case until about a couple years ago, I looked up and realized that outside of 2 friends (who moved cities), I didn’t have any other close friends. And the ones that were once deep friendships, I had been neglecting because they didn’t fit neatly into my schedule and routines.I didn’t care to “schedule them in” so I just let those relationships suffer.However since realizing this, I’ve become more intentional in nourishing my relationships and am enjoying the benefits.Surrounding yourself with trusted friends and mentors will inevitably uplift you.They will remind you of your abilities and accomplishments, sometimes unknowingly, and certainly when you share your fears with them.4.) Accept Imperfections
As soon as you accept that no one bats at 100%, you’ll experience an incredible sense of relief.This is not a resolution to mediocrity but preparation for the inevitable “failures” which will come. I put failures in quotes because as you know, I don’t really believe in failure as all outcomes provide an opportunity to learn something. At any rate, accepting that there will be times of learning rather than victory, can help assuage feelings of inadequacy.I can believe I am up to the task AND believe I will probably still make some mistakes along the way.Remember, God uses imperfect people for His perfect plans.5.) Celebrate Small Wins
“A man with experience is never at the mercy of the man with an opinion” - John BythewayRecognize and celebrate your small victories.Each success, no matter how minor, will create more confidence.Take small tasks, accomplish them, then celebrate that.Each small win will continue to compound, helping you overcome impostor syndrome.
To wrap things up, as an emerging musician and entrepreneur, I've wrestled with imposter syndrome too.To be frank, it never completely disappears, but I’m discovering prayer, self-reflection, community, accepting imperfection and celebrating small wins, all work wonders.You are not alone in this battle, and you are not an imposter.You have been uniquely and intentionally gifted.Now, go use your gifts and talents for the good of others and the glory of God.Rooting for you!
P.S. If you have any thoughts or experiences related to this topic, please feel free to share them with me. Your stories inspire me and can inspire others.

I Was Homeless… Now I Make $5M/Year
I know it sounds hyperbolic, but it's not. And it certainly didn't happen overnight nor was it easy. But if you need a dose of inspiration to remind you what's possible, enjoy this video. As with all videos I share, they are for education and inspirations, and all opinions expressed are theirs and do not necessarily reflect all my views.Watch by clicking the image.

Drake - Polar Opposites
The boy dropped a new album this week and well....I have mixed opinions about it as a whole. This song though, is an instant standout for me. Especially that sample on the outro. I'm a sucker for song outros that leave you on a cliff wanting more.Listen now by clicking the image.
That's it for this week.Love you,ShopéP.S. New song coming in October....sorry for the delay, just finishing up the final mix & master. Pre-save all my future releases HERE. You'll only ever had to do this once.P.P.S. Don't forget to my latest YT video Christians get THIS wrong about money

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