Week #01 (Jan.1-6, 2019)

Remember Why You Grind? 💪


Week #01 (Jan.1-6, 2019) - Who Are You Working For?

Happy New Year! We’re officially 4 days into the new year and I hope you’re enjoying it. For those who made resolutions, how are they going? For those that have goals, I ask the same question. With that question in mind, it’s STORY TIME!!!As you may remember, in an earlier post, I mentioned I’ve been working on waking up earlier. “The early bird gets the worm” they say.So with the exception of the holidays season that just passed, I’ve managed to beat back the clock to 7/7:30AM and I’m determined to beat it further back to 6/6:30AM this year. Well I officially got back to work on Jan. 3 and was determine to be up and about my day BEFORE my son got up. That means I would have to be up around 6:30AM since he usually sleeps until about 8:30AM, even 9AM sometimes. That was the plan. Start early and have a productive day.Well Mason woke up at 5:49AM. That's EARLIER THAN I HAD PLANNED FOR MYSELF! With the holidays and relatives and traveling, he’s been out of his routine, hence his waking up earlier than usual. Hopefully he’ll re-equilibrate within a day or two. At any rate, I know him well enough to know that he would need more sleep in order to prevent a late morning meltdown from fatigue. At 5:49AM, although he’s awake, he’s still tired and needs help falling back asleep.So I went into his room, put him back down and by all accounts he appeared to go back to sleep. So I figured I can grab another 30 minutes of sleep before launching into my day. He was up at 6:15AM again. That’s still too early so I put him down again. 6:24AM he was back up (still too early). When this kind of thing happens, usually the only thing that helps him sleep further is co-sleeping (i.e. sleeping in bed with him). FYI to all the parents out there, we do NOT co-sleep except for the odd occasion like this. But certainly not overnight. So at this point, I had a choice to make; a.) Get him up and his day started and risk a late morning meltdown.b.) Co-sleep for an additional hour, thus delaying the start to my day, but giving him more sleep and setting him up for a better day.The truth is in either scenario, I wasn’t getting any work done because it’s nearly impossible be productive with a toddler roaming loose on the premises. Sidebar: If you’re wondering where my wife was all this time. We had decided to let her sleep in to catch up on some much needed rest from the holidays (the irony 😂).So I went with Option B. He slept some more and we finally got our day started at 7:30AM. Then we went about his morning routine, which involves things like play, some reading and breakfast. As we both sat at the table eating our cheerios, he began imitating me as he likes to do. He mirrored my casual head tilts, placing my spoon into the bowl, raising the spoon into my mouth, etc, all the while smiling & grinning in a way only he can. In that moment I was reminded that even though I wasn’t getting the kind of morning I wanted, I was nonetheless enjoying every moment with him. At about 9AM, I finally got started with my day.So did I have a super early and productive start to my day? Well it depends on how we define productive here. In terms of work, no I didn’t. But in terms of good quality time with my heir, absolutely! And it was definitely worth it. I don’t often get these morning moments with him, so it was a nice change.The moral of the story? In 2019 as you go about crushing those goals/resolutions, make your plans but be open to those serendipitous opportunities for connection with your loved ones. After all, time is valuable and what are we working for if not for them?Until next week,#KnowItsRealP.S. Have you started making progress on your goals/resolutions?P.P.S In other news, I’ve got a new song coming out on January 15. Stay tuned for more info coming soon and join the digital street team to hear it first!


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