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- Week #04 (Jan.21-27, 2019)
Week #04 (Jan.21-27, 2019)
I had a TERRIBLE week! 😖
Week #04 (Jan.21-27, 2019) - Tough Week!
This was a TOUGH week both for me personally and my family as a whole. It started when at the top of the week, my heart admittedly fell out of alignment. I was scrolling through instagram when I stumbled on an artist’s profile. I checked out his music and it was incredible. He raps and sings incredibly well, and thanks to a major recording deal is off to races with top tier placements and celebrity endorsements. Beyond this, there was something about this guy that I couldn’t quite place my finger on. Something about him seemed familiar…….then it hit me! I KNEW THE GUY! In fact, I didn’t just know the guy, he lived at my house once upon a time. Without getting into too much detail, let’s just say he’s no longer the young, timid guy I used to know. Then my battle began. Enter comparison and its close companion, discontentment. Thoughts like, “How is this guy getting all this acclaim and you haven’t?” “You’ve been making music longer than him, and here he is outshining you”, “I know he’s really talented, but it’s not fair!” You see, recently I’ve been doing a really good job of not worrying about what other people are doing, good or bad. I have managed to enter a new season of really focusing on my own journey. In fact, when I do go on my socials, I check my notifications and messages, contact a few friends/peers, then I’m out. I don’t really randomly scroll thorough social media anymore for this very reason. But that day, I messed up and suffered the consequences. It’s ugly of me, I know. But it happened, so no point pretending I’m perfect.It took me a few days to get out of my own head and thanks to words of Psalm 73 and Matthew 16:26, I was re-calibrated. My story is my story and God is the author. He knows best, so as long as I remain faithful to what He has called me to, that’s success.That was my first battle of the week. However simultaneously, another storm has been brewing for at least a few weeks. Mason (my almost 2 year old son), is experiencing a really bad sleep regression. He typically goes down around 7:30/8PM and whereas he used to wake up around 7:30/8AM, for the past few weeks he’s been waking up much earlier. Like 5AM early. Every parent knows how frustrating this can be. My wife and I can see he is still tired and needs more sleep, but he refuses to go back down, actively fighting sleep. This means our days start earlier and frankly because of my business, my wife takes on the brunt of caring for him most of the day, until I get home when we tag off for the rest of the evening.Now here’s how it goes; he doesn’t sleep enough at night, so he’s insufferable during the day, constantly crying and virtually attached to her leg. Not to mention that he’s becoming more defiant. We don’t want to raise a spoiled little brat, so we have to be enforcers, which sometimes he listens to, and other times results in a full blown meltdown. We’re still figuring it out. What makes this quite frustrating is because this new behaviour is quite contrary to his nature. Until recently, he was a content, generally happy and easy going kid. OH, did I mention my wife is also 7 months pregnant with our second? So take that mix of an exhausted, pregnant wife, a tired, unusually demanding and defiant 2 year old (who we LOVE dearly 🙈), and a husband battling sinful thoughts of discontentment while trying to be present despite the demands of business. That’s a volatile cocktail. And it’s only a matter of time before something catches fire…..and it did!My wife and I had a big blowout that lasted the better part of a whole day. It would be great to say we let off steam in a less acrimonious manner, however that wasn’t the case this time. Alas, after a 24hrs moratorium, cooler heads prevailed. We both just needed to honestly communicate our hearts and minds with each other regarding everything going on. Thankfully, we’re much better now and although the sun hasn’t shone yet, we’re working through the craziness that is this season of life. But at least we’re on the same page, working through it together. So yea, it was a TOUGH week!Why am I being so candid as to share all this with you? Well first, we could really use your prayers during this season. You can pray for the following;
Mason to return to a good sleeping schedule
Strength for Marjo in these last 2 months of pregnancy
Healthy development of our new baby girl
Wisdom for me to balance my businesses and family life.
Second, in line with my mission of showing that “God is a real God for real people in real life”, it’s only right that I show you my real life and how God’s grace is keeping us through it all. God’s grace is present at all moments, highs and lows. You have witnessed my highs, and Lord willing will continue to do so. This week has been a low, and it would be disingenuous to only showcase a highlight reel.For you, this year, this month, this week, this day, this MOMENT might be hard. It might be difficult to get a glimpse of God’s grace, but it’s there. Here’s a hint: you’re reading this right now. That’s God speaking to you, reminding you of His promise to never leave nor forsake His children. So hang on! All you’ve gotta do is make it through today because “[his] mercies are new every morning” (Lamentations 3:22-23).Until next week, #KnowItsRealP.S. How was your week? Hope you had a great week.
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