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- Week #44 (Oct.29-Nov.4, 2018)
Week #44 (Oct.29-Nov.4, 2018)
15 Years Saved! 🙌
Week #44 (Oct. 29-Nov.4, 2018) - 15 YEARS SAVED!
Halloween just passed and I was reminded that on that day in 2003, I came to faith in Jesus Christ. So as of a few days ago, that’s officially 15 years I’ve been walking with the Lord, or should I say He’s been walking with me. So this week, I figured I would tell you my story of how I actually came to believe in the Christian message, as well as give you a few tips on maturing in your journey (if you are indeed a Christian).I do not claim to be an expert, nor do I claim to have it figured out. In fact, the further along I get in this walk, the less I realize I know. So I’m speaking more as a fellow traveler and less as a veteran sage.In any case, here’s my story. Up until that faithful October 31, 2003 night, the Christian message was something that although I was familiar with, I didn’t personally identify with. This personal distance from the message was the result of both internal and external factors. Internally, I now realize I just loved my sin and didn’t want anyone telling me I couldn’t enjoy my porn among other habits. I simply wanted to be the captain of my own ship. Externally, while I can’t blame my parents for my sin, I do believe their relationship (or lack thereof), had an impact on my rejection of the faith. For as long as I can remember, my parents have always had relational issues in their marriage. Arguments and such were all too frequent. Consequently, I didn’t see how the gospel message I heard from them or the churches they took me to, actually affected their relationship. For that reason, I didn’t see its relevance in my everyday real life. But little did I know the seeds were still being planted.Sidebar: Parents! With respect to your kids spiritual formation, what you don’t show them can be just as important as what you do show them.Fast forward many years (and details about their relationship), my family immigrated from Lagos, Nigeria to Toronto, Canada and promptly began attending churches similar to those back home. We eventually settled at one which appeared to have a vibrant youth ministry. During the youth programs I was quiet, preferring more to observe than participate. During my “observations” one girl caught my eye. She was by far the prettiest and “most developed” of the girls in there, and lucky for me, we were the same age. I knew what I had to do. And so began my mission to befriend her. We would have infrequent conversations, that would be a mix of flirting and regular banter. To my knowledge she wasn’t an active Christian. She was like me, a youth growing up in and around church by obligation. Eventually, I managed to give her my number hoping to advance our conversations from the weekly youth services to something more frequent. She didn’t call me…..until one evening when out of the blue, her sweet voice would change the course of my life forever.She spoke with such excitement telling me about the youth weekend retreat the church had organized that she just returned from. It was amazing, and life changing and liberating and blah blah blah blaahhhhh. I didn’t care about any of that. I was just ecstatic she had called and at that moment, would have believed anything that came out of her mouth. She encouraged me to go for the next one, so I obliged figuring it would give me an opportunity to get closer to her. After all, having grown up in church, I knew how these weekend getaways worked. For me it was a simple calculus; it would be an all expense paid vacation that would give me a break from the constant tension at home and give me a few days worth of conversation with her. In exchange I had to suffer through some preaching (which I had already heard a thousand times and had developed an effective skill of tuning out). Win-Win……..except God had bigger plans.That weekend wasn’t unique from other youth weekend getaways I had been to in Nigeria, except everything changed that weekend. The basic structure was preach, eat, repeat. Then at some point, we were to pray. Again, I was there physically, but mentally wasn’t. I didn’t care for any of that stuff, so I simply walked around, staring at the ceilings, just generally disenchanted and then suddenly it happened. In what I can only describe and walking into a brick wall you didn’t see coming, I stopped dead in my tracks and suddenly felt the weight of my sin and my need for Jesus. I cannot explain it because unlike some, I didn’t have a long period of God calling on my heart, me rejecting, but eventually submitting. I had no lead up, no runway, no prior conviction of sin. It came in all at once on the Oct.31 2003 night. Suddenly in that moment, I understood not only that my porn addiction was bad, but why it was bad. I understood that even though my parents had their issues, the bitterness I had let grow in my heart was my own issue. I understood that even though I wasn’t a street kid like some of my friends, contrary to what I thought I wasn’t better than them simply because I wasn’t selling drugs or in any gangs. I understood that my sins were rebellious actions against an awesome God who had given me nothing but good…..and I understood why this was a serious thing no longer to be ignored. I understood that I deserved His wrath, but I also understood His great mercy founded in Jesus. The gospel I had been ignoring for years finally made sense. So in that moment, I fell on my face and wept for Lord knows how long, repenting of my sins and putting my trust in Jesus Christ. By the end of that weekend, I couldn’t put into words what had happened, but I knew for a fact something was different and life could not simply continue as had been. On the Friday prior, my friends knew me as the foul-mouthed, perverted-minded funny guy in our circle. But by Monday, I was supposedly following Jesus now with no interest in those things. Naturally they didn’t understand and gave me a few days or weeks to come back to my senses. That was 15 years ago.As I reflect on the last 15 years, I really cannot take any credit for my salvation or continued practise. I went for a girl, instead I got God. I have no idea where she is today, but I’m thankful for her because in a weird way, the Lord used her to call me to Himself. I hope she’s doing well.I was planning on giving a few tips I’ve learnt over the last 15 years, but this has already run long, so I’ll save those for next week.For now take this with you; if you do not know God through Jesus Christ, come to Him today. We all sin (I don’t need to convince you of this), and our sins are no minor issues. They deserve God’s just wrath. But as God is himself the very definition of love, He has provided a way for you to escape His wrath. That way is Jesus Christ.
If you are a Christian, thank God for His salvation. Whether you’ve been saved for 15mins or 15 years you know it is God who keeps, so spend some time reminding yourself of what He saved you from. Let that re-excite your heart at the glorious God we serve. Finally, continue to be a witness in speech and life to your friends and family. You never know what God is doing in someone’s life through you.Until next week, #KnowItsReal
P.S. What’s your story? Let me know! Just respond to this email!
MUSIC: Classics
I've been making music for more than a few years. So I'm going to starthighlighting some classic records you may or may not know about. These are fan favourites, so enjoy. This week, here's a remix I did to a song called"Say I" by fellow Toronto artist, Cortes.
MUSIC: The Latest
The official remix project to the original "XXY". This project features 6 remixes including 2 of the uber popular "Stay" with production from UK powerhouses, HXLY KXSS, and WYLD, and US-based Quinten Coblentz. The same songs you already know and love, re-imaginged!
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Catch me in your city. Click the photo