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- When you're feeling uninspired
When you're feeling uninspired
When you're feeling uninspired, do this 😫

Hey, hope you're well. Still missing the sun ☀️.Here's your digest for this week. Hope you find these, inspiring and encouraging.
When You're Feeling Uninspired(approximately 2min read)Today’s newsletter will be quick!I’ll be honest, it’s one of those days where I’m sitting in front of my laptop, blank minded.I’m trying to write, but nothing’s coming to mind.Even attempts at conjuring ideas via brainstorming exercises I know, are seeming to yield nothing.Even using the best prompt I can think of in ChatGPT to spark an idea is returning flaccid results.So what am I supposed to do?Skip a week and crack it up to just being extremely tired after a very busy week?No!I’ll take my own advice. Do!The simple act of doing farces proficiency.Perhaps this is most true when the desire isn’t there, nor inspiration overflowing.Motivation and inspiration are fleeting.Discipline is the only thing you have control of.And so each day, you get up and do the thing, believing and knowing that each attempt at bat, builds that muscle memory. Even if it doesn’t feel like it, you’re a little better at the thing after doing it today, than you were yesterday.Not all moments of disciplined work will produce something magical.What they will produce however is much more lasting - a quantifiable thing externally, and a growing sense of skill and confidence internally.The key is not to stop.For me, that’s meant that after a week of creating multiple pieces of content, writing several hundred words for other projects, finishing a long standing song, working with clients and pulling a couple all-nighters, today I wrote what you are now reading.I hope you’ve found it somewhat coherent and helpful.Or at the very least, don’t judge me too harshly for my transparency.To sum up today’s message; don’t wait for inspiration…do something…anything…even if it’s not inspiring.The prize is in the doing!-----------Now I don’t know if this is related, but I will leave you with a powerful quote I recently heard. Take it and apply it to your life as you will.
“You’ll never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory”

This Life Ain’t Worth Eternal Damnation
Montell Fish is an interesting one. If you know anything about his music, then you'll know he had a SHARP departure from his early sound. Let me put it this way; he used to make really Christian sounding music, then switched to a more dystopic, emo, angsty youth alternative sound. His image also changed! And he BLEW UP!!!! Like hundreds of millions of streams, millions of fans, world tours etc. The change left many of his early fans confused wondering if he was ok. It wasn't just the music that confused them, it was his image and lashing out at some of his early fans that was concerning. Anyways, he just released a new song and this documentary that might hint at him possibly returning to his Christian roots.Watch by clicking the image.

Jorja Smith - Feelings (feat. J Hus)
Love me some UK R&B and Jorja Smith rarely (if ever disappoints). Throw in a J Hus verse and you've got a recipe for a hit song. I"ll be listening to this one for a while.Listen now by clicking the image.
That's it for this week.Love you,ShopéP.S. New song coming in NOVEMBER....sorry for the delay, just finishing up the final mix & master. Pre-save all my future releases HERE. You'll only ever had to do this once.P.P.S. Don't forget to my latest YT video Christians get THIS wrong about money

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